Digital and Techworker Alliance
DATA is a part of the Communications Workers’ Union (CWU), building power amongst workers in the Irish tech and related sectors.
The CWU has a long and proud history of representing workers in the Tech and ICTS sectors in Ireland and working internationally with our sister unions around the world.

What is the Digital and Tech Sector?
People working in the Digital and Tech sector have very diverse roles, from programming to content moderation and from warehousing to sales. Every worker in this sector is entitled to have their voice heard and to establish a trade union in their workplace.
Why join DATA-CWU?
Made up of workers across the sector, DATA understands your interests in the workplace and works with you to build collective power to protect you from the many exploitative practices in the tech sector.
As a member, you can also avail of individual advice and support on issues such as work visas, grievances, performance and bonuses, and disciplinaries. Most recently, the CWU has been advising and guiding workers through the stressful and complex process of lay-offs.
Promoting solidarity, democracy, and social and economic justice, DATA fights for workers both in and out of the workplace.

Who can join?
DATA represents all workers in the Tech and related industries.
- If your workplace is owned by a tech company, or if your work is a necessary part of a tech companies’ operation
- If you are directly employed or working for a contracting company.
If you moderate the platform or if you sort the parcels. If you clean the offices or if you manage a sales team. Together we are stronger and, as a union, we act for the improvement of all members’ conditions.
Global Solidarity – Tech workers building power around the world
The CWU is proud to work internationally with CODE-CWA (Communications Workers of America) and unions across Europe including UTAW-CWU (UK), Unite, Verdi (Germany) and Syndicom (Switzerland). As an affiliate of UNI Global Union, the CWU is a long-standing member of the Google Alliance and the Amazon Alliance.